
The Company is situated in Bangalore, Karnataka.
The objects to be pursued by the company on its incorporation are:


The Objectives of the company extend to the whole of India.

  1. To establish an Online Research Institute to collect Data, Analyse and provide Recommendations for the Sustainable Growth of Indian Settlements and protection of the Environment.
  2. To approach Organisations/Government to provide funds for implementation of Recommendations provided by the Research Institute, for Sustainable Development.
  3. To help and assist Society at large living in Settlements for a Sustainable Growth and improve the Quality of their lives.
  4. To study (Indology) the history, literature, philosophy, and the cultural continuum of our Indian Settlements and ascertain their relevance to present times for sustainable growth and development.
  5. To find out ways and means of implementing the Recommendations of the Research Institute to improve the Quality of Life of Indian Society & Settlements.
  6. To appoint/recruit Research Scholars and Supervise/Guide Research towards the above Objectives.
  7. To establish in future an Office and Infrastructure for the above Research Institute in Online & Off-line mode.
  8. The research can address the goals of sustainable development, man-made environment, natural resources, technology, IT, AI, energy, culture, transportation,  waste management, socio-political and economic systems, etc., which affect the quality of life of our settlements/habitats, primarily related to the Indian Context.
  9. The research may be collaborative and multi-disciplinary in nature.

Furtherance of the Objects: by Social Service:

(As specified in the MOA)

  1. Providing for and contributing to education, scientific research and socio- economic development in broad areas of Sustainable Development, Women’s Empowerment, and Natural Resource Management.
  2. To establish, conduct and maintain old age homes, school cum orphanage for needy and poor children, providing support to physically challenged men, women and children and persons with similar disabilities and also for granting assistance to institutions performing similar activities.
  3. Organizing various training and development programmes and
  4. Providing for grants, scholarships, fellowships and other forms of assistance to the needy and deserving students for pursuing education and vocational training.
  5. To promote education, charity and general welfare of the people and the nation as a whole.
  6. To raise the voice against exploitation, injustice and corruption if found against any Individual, class, community in the society.
  7. To work for uplifting poor rural/village people for their overall development.
  8. To provide help to people suffering from Natural calamities such as flood and earthquakes
  9. To educate people against taking drugs and Alcohol.
  10. To provide livelihood opportunities through skill enhancement and vocational training.
  11. To add value by way of soft skills and preparedness for the job markets and community.
  12. Promote gender equality and empower women by providing training on trades designed specifically for women and girls.
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